Posts Tagged ‘factory’


Posted: gener 11, 2012 in Band of horses
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Band of horses es quizá una de las bandas de lo que llamo rock sinfónico más importantes del momento, fieles herederos del rock progresivo de los años 70 y 80, y que nos recuerdan que el rock es algo más que ritmos desenfrenados, guitarras distorsionadas y energía pura.

El rock tambien es reflexión, melodía y el ritmo justo que pide la canción. Y cuando todo eso confluye, te das cuenta de los grandes músicos que han dedicado su vida a este tipo de música y a los que se les debe tanto.

Hace poco el premier británico David Cameron reconoció que era un auténtico fan de la banda de Seattle. Me alegra saber que una persona tan alejada ideológicamente de mi persona tenga un gusto tan exquisito.

The elevator, in the hotel lobby has a lazy door
The man inside is going to a hotel room
He jumped out right after seeing just
the very sight of me
Decided he better hike it to the second floor

It’s temporary, this place I’m in
I permanently won’t do this again
My belongings scattered across the hotel floor

Now then later, I was thinking it over
by the snack machine

I thought about you and a candy bar
The now and laters, now that Ive got
stuck between my teeth
I fell asleep to the greatest movie of the year

A man gets lonely, for heavens sake
He’s wondering only what you do today
The worlds spinning around into an old sad song

Well its coming down outside like
I’ve never even seen before
I fell into some kind of sorry state
But looking back now, I think it’s finally time
for me anekatips to laugh about it
And get my things together and find something to say

Well I feel awful, and I believe
That time gets wasted in misery
And darling I never wanna come back home